Managed websites

Too busy to bother with a website? We have a comprehensive management option which will add value to your business.

Domain hosting

Domains registered through us
Domains registered somewhere else
Transferred domains

DIY Websites

Do you like doing things yourself? We will provide you with all the tools you need to get started in a flash.


Our professional service will compliment your business to reflect the character of your enterprise. Your business is our inspiration.


Setting up a personal website or blog has never been easier. We add a professional touch to your personal choice.

Why choose Style by Design?

The internet has countless service providers all over the world. To find the one that is right for you, could be a daunting task at the best of times. We don’t claim to be the best, but we do believe that we are the best choice. Here’s why…

We had a look at all the steps and skills required to set up a website and get it live on the internet. Countless service providers will gladly take your money to host your website, and that is where it ends. What sets us apart from the rest, is the simple fact that we care about the sites hosted with us. A modular approach to the elements required to set up a successful website will ensure you get the best deal, according to your particular requirements.

There are as many options when setting up a website as there are people on this earth, and more. Although we do offer the standard package deals, you have a choice of which elements you want to include in setting up your website. We focus on designing and styling websites hosted with us, but if you are a DIY enthusiast wanting to go at it on your own, you are most welcome as well. We offer anything from the bare minimum to comprehensive fully managed services.

The core features of our services on offer are as follows:

    • Domain registration
    • Configuring the hosting environment
    • Setting up your website
    • Design and style of your website
    • Configuring email functions for your website
    • Website management
    • Website administration
Some of these services feature elements of their own, which are explained in the relevant sections pertaining to them.

Whether you take the bare minimum or a fully managed service, you have the control over the elements which you want to include on the journey to making your website stand out in the crowd. We will never make you pay for any element you don’t want or don’t need.

To emphasize our confidence that we are the best choice of service providers, we will refund you for any service which does not live up to their respective specifications published on our site.